About our events

We offer a year-long program of online and in-person events which explore insight meditation and related practices, values and teachings from the Buddhist tradition. These range in format from meditation days and weekends, courses for beginner and experienced students, workshops, online drop-in sessions, and evening talks. Our events are for attendees over the age of 18.


Retreat / Meditation days
A typical retreat day programme include an introduction by the teacher followed by alternate periods of sitting and walking meditation (some of which may be guided), a talk or two connected to the theme (Dharma talk) and a question and answer period. A meditation day will generally have three or more meditation periods as well as teachings. Meditation periods vary in length but are usually between 20 and 45 minutes.

Generally the days are conducted in silence although sometimes teachers encourage talk over lunch to allow people to make contact. There are always options for people to maintain silence if they wish to. Some teachers structure retreat days individually depending on the theme and how they prefer to work. For example, they may include more teachings, experiential exercises and reflective sharing in small groups or pairs.


These generally have few sitting meditation periods and usually no walking meditation. There is often more teaching/reflections and discussion and/or experiential exercises and reflective sharing in small groups or pairs. However, the structure will depend on the teacher and the theme. The workshops are less likely to be conducted in silence although there may be periods of silence or meditative dialogues.


We run some courses each year, which usually take place online via Zoom. Most are open to all, but some are for experienced practitioners only where certain criteria apply. The courses are structured individually depending upon the theme/teacher, but typically tend to run in the evening for about two hours per course session.


Online Drop-in Sessions
We run a twice-monthly online drop-in practice session, which we refer to as a Dharma Circles. They are suitable for both new and experienced meditators. Each sessions usually include a 30 minute guided meditation, a short talk, and the opportunity to share, reflect, and asks questions.


What to wear
For in-person events do wear something you are comfortable to sit in, and enough warm layers in cold weather. Chairs will be provided as well as some cushions and mats if you prefer to sit on the floor.


Open to all
Our events are open to all, irrespective of religious or political beliefs, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability or financial status. The only exception is that some events are unsuitable for beginners and this will be clear from the event description.


Looking after yourself
When attending our events please note that you are responsible for your own physical and psychological health. For example, if you have low blood pressure you may decide to sit if the teacher invites a period of standing meditation. If you have high blood pressure, it may be wise not to stretch your arms above your head during exercise sessions.

If sitting in meditation is physically difficult for you please let us know, either in advance or when you arrive at the event, and we will arrange for the teacher to give you some individual help in finding a suitable position for meditation. The teacher will help you to find a posture, sitting, lying or standing, which supports your meditation practice and also allows you the physical comfort you need. Please do not lie down during meditation periods or talks unless you have spoken with the teacher.

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