See below for talks and guided meditations from London Insight events in 2014.

For other years click: 202420232022 – 2021 – 202020192018 2017 2016 – 2015


Rob Burbea.  Path of the imaginal
7th December 2014

Stephen Batchelor and John Peacock.  The life and times of Siddhattha Gotama: a dialogue
21st November 2014

(A dialogue between Stephen Batchelor and John Peacock facilitated by Madeleine Bunting, former Guardian columnist.  John starts with ‘the times’ and Stephen follows in part 2 with ‘the life’!  The event concludes with a period of questions and answers/discussion)

Christina Feldman. Liberating insights : anatta
16th November 2014

Bhante Bodidhamma.  If there’s no self, who gets the karma?
25th October 2014

Ajahn Sucitto. Indestructible heart (Sun.)
28th September 2014

Stephen Batchelor. After buddhism
6th July 2014

Yanai Postelnik.  Contemplating death: a gateway to immediacy, love and freedom
Sat 28th & Sun 29th June 2014

Catherine McGee & Brad Richecoeur.  Insight meditation and Qigong: awakening body-heart-mind
14th & 15th June 2014

Rick Hanson.  Hardwiring happiness: weaving love & inner peace into your brain & your life (Sat.)
31st May 2014

Rick Hanson. Positive neuroplasticity: using your mind to change your brain for the better (Fri.)
30th May 2014

Jason Siff.  Awareness of thinking in meditation
18th May 2014

Martine Batchelor.  Letting go in four stages
4th May 2014

Akincano.  The Brahmaviharas beyond meditation-objects. A vision and three perspectives of practice
12th & 13th April 2014

John Peacock.  A stillness of mind
6th April 2014

Catherine McGee. Embodying our insight
9th March 2014

Martin Aylward.  From inner critic to inner freedom
9th February 2014

Yanai Postelnik.  Suffering and freedom: contemplating the Buddha’s first noble truth
26th January 2014