In-person: What was the Crucial Discovery of the Buddha? with Bhante Bodhidhamma
17 May 2025 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
£15.00 – £50.00EVENT DESCRIPTION
The Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma, one of the most influential meditation teachers of the last century, developed a combination of techniques, primarily noting and going slow, to develop the steadiness of attention needed for insight into the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and insubstantiality. Such insights lead to a greater well-being and ease of living and, ultimately, to liberation from all suffering.
A day of practice with Bhante, beginning with the Refuges and Precepts, periods of sitting and walking meditation. There will be a short talk to raise curiosity, a Factor of Awakening, with some time for questions and answers.
Events at London Insight are offered in a spirit of generosity. The price you pay goes towards the running of the event but does not include any payment to the teachers for their teaching. Instead our teachers rely on the generosity of participants for their livelihood. Click here for more information on the system of Dana.
Sponsor: £50 – A voluntary higher rate enabling us to offer supported rate places.
Standard: £35
Supported: £15 – For those unable to afford the standard rate.
Please pay the sponsor rate if you can. If you are unable to afford the supported rate please let us know. We try to ensure that no one is turned away because of lack of funds, providing places are available.