On-line learning









The Internet provides numerous resources and opportunities for connecting with teachers and peers and engaging in study and practice. The following selection may be of interest to you:


London Insight Meditation Resources

Online events. In addition to our in-person events we often offer workshops and retreats days online. Please see our event schedule for upcoming events.

Dharma Circle Sessions. These are online drop-in session via Zoom offered twice a month, welcoming both new and experienced meditators.

Audio recordings. Audio recordings of talks and guided meditations from most of our events, are available here on our website.

Video recordings. On our YouTube channel we offer video recordings of talks and guided practices from some of our events.


Resources from other organisations

Bodhi College offers a number of different online courses and retreats.

Sangha live an online Dharma practice group. Each Sunday, renowned Insight Meditation teachers offer meditation instruction, teachings, and live Q&A on video as well as online courses.

Dharmaseed is an online collection of talks from Insight Meditation centres worldwide.  It’s possible to search by talks/teachers/retreats.

Awakening Joy a five month experiential course from James Baraz to develop your natural capacity for well-being.

Triycle offer online meditation courses.

Spirit Rock Meditation Centre runs a number of online courses.

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